Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Education--a moral obligation?

I heard on the local news this morning that educating our children is a moral obligation that everyone shares. I disagree with this viewpoint.

I do agree that, as a parent, we are morally obligated to educate our own children, however I do not think that we are responsible for other children. It is a noble and worthy cause to help educate all children, but I do not think that you can hang "moral obligation" around the idea.

The money that is wasted by our government schools is ludicrous. That was the point of the story this morning--we need more money for our children and we are morally obligated to provide this. Money is not the answer. You can look at some of the worst school systems in our country and they are usually the ones that spend the most money.

The answer to helping solve this problem is school choice. Put the decision of where to send your children to school back in the hands of the parents and the student. I realize that this idea will not solve all problems, but it will vastly improve on what we have now.

Competition would do wonders in improving our educational system. The good schools would grow and remain strong, and the weak schools would soon close. This would get our children into the best schools possible and give them a much better education than they are now receiving.

So, the next time you hear some educator espousing more money as the solution to our woes, tell them to support school choice which does not cost anything to implement.


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