Thursday, July 16, 2009


I faxed the letter below to Congressman Travis Childers hoping to stop the government takeover of healthcare. If you are in his district, please pressure him to stop this mess. If you are in another district, please contact your representative and work to stop this before it is too late!

To: Congressman Childers

Please put the brakes on the administration’s ramming of healthcare reform through congress. There are many options that can be looked at, but government takeover and control is not the answer. And we definitely do not have to do it in the next 20 minutes!

The only reason your leadership wants to push this through so fast is to keep the American people from finding out the truth about this travesty and rising up to stop it. It is ludicrous to keep bringing 1,000 plus page bills before congress and expecting a vote within hours allowing no time to review the bill. Please ask the President about his transparency promise to post bills on the Internet and allow 5 days for public review.

Also, we cannot afford it. Our country is bankrupt by any definition. Someone somehow has got to put fiscal responsibility back to the forefront. This is a problem that both parties have had a big hand in creating. However, the party is over and the clean up is not going to be pretty, but it must be done.

I encourage you to stand against your party leadership and do what is right for the United States and Mississippi. I know it will be a hard row to hoe, but someone has got step up and work to get this country back on track.


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